By BoredRunner42 - 07/09/2009 06:33 - United States

Today, I had a great time with a girl I liked. I asked her out and she said yes. She also said she cuts herself and if I ever broke up with her, I'll be responsible for her death. FML
I agree, your life sucks 72 629
You deserved it 6 573

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sun_Kissed18 25

Break up with her right there! Thats so unfair for her to just put all of that pressure on you


She's probably ok, just if u have to break up with her just do it gently. Most people on this site probably cut themselves

So you were planning on breaking up with her already?

ky_stone22 0

Well if she was serious, holy shit, she needs HELP! ...But maybe not from you. Back away slowly. Get her to break up with you first if you want to avoid her killing herself. But on a side'd the date go?

So, no post break-up fights, huh? She got a sister??

BTW if I understand such emotional people well enough, she will be the one to dump you someday. So, dont worry.

CapnAsshole 0

Dump her. There's no reason to put up with that crap. Most people who make claims like that only do it for attention, and if she actually does go through with killing herself, she was going to do it anyway.

noonecaresurfat 0

call her out and if she actually kills herself you can feel good knowing your responsible for one less psychopath inhabiting this earth

I know exactly how you feel dude, my girl is bipolarar and she self harms every now and then. That shit is messed up and you can really feel traped, you've still gotta do what is right for you tho.

alex_vik 0

She's an attention *****, just dump her. And if she isn't, then that's one less crazy.