By BoredRunner42 - 07/09/2009 06:33 - United States

Today, I had a great time with a girl I liked. I asked her out and she said yes. She also said she cuts herself and if I ever broke up with her, I'll be responsible for her death. FML
I agree, your life sucks 72 629
You deserved it 6 573

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sun_Kissed18 25

Break up with her right there! Thats so unfair for her to just put all of that pressure on you


Twin_Uzis 0

Break up with her. If she doesn't, you called her out. If she does, one less worthless emo. Win-win situation.

Your a huge asshole. A. you don't have to be emo to cut B. most people don't joke about that C. its never a win when you have to go to a funeral

Twin_Uzis 0

So throw the body in a ditch. No funeral, and nothing of value is lost.

Im just guessing but I understand this sort of thing alot better than you do. I have the scars on my legs to prove it. Cutting is a coping mechanism not just something emos do. She was probably warning him so he had a way out before anyhting really started. A break up to someone who needs to cut is emotonaly excrutiating and it seems there is nothing else they can do but gash themselves. If your interested I'll try to explain more but I'm guessing this is more than you wanted

You should have guessed that at the beginning.

tell her your will be searching the obits for her.

FleshForFantasy 3

That's crazy! She's trying to trap you.

zymn 6

i've been told that by a couple of girls. they all cheated on me. soo... no worries.

efffff hate people like that I do I do, I really do She's serious = she's a little whiney twit She's not serious (but not joking) = she's a spider bitch Get the girl some damn help, either way

So...I guess you could say you're in a "committed" relationship now?

no disrespect or nothing, but was she serious while saying it because it wouldnt be your fault if you broke it off. It's something that happens and i think that if you do break up there was a deffinate reason, and you would need to get her help to deal with it.