By BoredRunner42 - 07/09/2009 06:33 - United States

Today, I had a great time with a girl I liked. I asked her out and she said yes. She also said she cuts herself and if I ever broke up with her, I'll be responsible for her death. FML
I agree, your life sucks 72 629
You deserved it 6 573

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sun_Kissed18 25

Break up with her right there! Thats so unfair for her to just put all of that pressure on you


XDNLxtlz99 0

Most people on these sites are assholes (like the douche bag who posted the 'emo loser' song), which is why I've switched to MLIA, but occasionally I come back here. All of you people who say she should kill herself are assholes, and all of you people who say he should run are assholes. Someone who commented though was actually right, talk to her, then tell her parents or school counslers, because, well, she may in fact need them. however, if she's BS-ing, then just leave. But, you should see said cuts before you do anything.

lexus_jade 0

This is more serious then half of the people on here think it is. I'm not even joking you right now one of my friends hung her self a week and a half ago cause her boyfriend. Talk to her about it. Nobody else is gunna make her better. You can tell her parents but it's not gunna do anything. Right now in her eyes your the only one that loves her. TALK TO HER ABOUT IT !

q448444161 0

I would give you, 1 million thumbs up, if I could.

So, 2 months ago, I broke up with a girl I'd been dating for almost 3 years. For a while, I didn't break up with her because she basically thought I was the only person in the world that cared, and I was afraid she'd kill herself. In the end, though, I realized I had to break it off, and do what was right for me. It's not fair to either of you, if you stay with her for the wrong reasons. Now, that's not to say you can't stay with her if you DO love her. You do need to understand that this is her problem. Help her with it, but don't ruin your own life because of her problem.

Given that she actually said this to you, she almost certainly won't, even if she does cut her self, i cut myself many times over many years, and make 4 "attempts" on my life, ALL of which were cries for attention, and the biggest difference between those who mean it, and those who want help, is whether they speak about it or not. THe best thing you can do is listen to her, and let her confide in you, in time with some support things could be good for both of you, and then if you don't want to be together any more, you can leave without fear.

MiseryMan 0

Hey, if you get her pregnant, you can always just break up with her so you can skip marriage and being a father!

Boat4373 0

Respectfully, dont talk shit. Thats not how suicidal people work.

dayton_brooke 0

DYLAN??? aw i knew it would come to this

q448444161 0

Tell her that you guys won't be able to get very far in your relationship, because you have HIV.

its people like that that make me feel completely sane and normal. i feel sorry for you but thanks for posting