By Anonymous - 20/11/2010 20:16 - United States

Today, I got home late after a long day at work and all I wanted to do was take a shower and go to bed. As soon as the water in the shower was hot, I got in. One minute, I was standing and the next I was fast asleep at the bottom of the tub. I woke up with my face swollen and my shoulder bruised. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 505
You deserved it 5 259

Same thing different taste


51, She also didn't complain of her ass being sore, but that didnt stop ass jokes being made :)

Yeah, but OP brought that upon herself when she said "...One minute, I was standing and the next..." :) That gives open oppurtunity for ass jokes.

Sorry op. You might have fainted because you were extremely tired. You should go see a doctor to make sure you are ok.

But being drugged jokes are irrelevant? Whatever. I liked my kidney joke. Its old as dirt and even used on unicorns, but I still thought it appropriate.

perez758 2

ahaha it is like the sims.. should have taken a nap on the couch and then went to take a shower or maybe should have taken a bath instead of a shower..

MuchDance90s 0

if she took a bath she'd probably be dead

my2centsworth 15

It sounds as if you passed out. You should get that checked by a doctor.

I've done this, but I managed to stop myself properly collapsing by grabbing the side of the bath as I fell. I went blind for 15 minutes also, and really weak. I was home alone too, it's scary as ****.

allanaskye 0

that happened to me too. all though my vision was only gone for 5 minutes then it slowly came back

MuchDance90s 0

that sounds very scary my goodness

#68, you may want to private message with a comment like that.

Countryboy42 3

How did you not wake up when you fell?

Allow me to explain- 1) Op was extremely tired, and took hot relaxing shower 2) Because of the roofies given to her, she fell asleep 3) Therefore, causing her to hit her shoulder against the tile 4) Op's head hurts because the hobo who raped her anally wasn't careful and hit her head on the shower knob in the process.