By Anonymous - 20/11/2010 20:16 - United States

Today, I got home late after a long day at work and all I wanted to do was take a shower and go to bed. As soon as the water in the shower was hot, I got in. One minute, I was standing and the next I was fast asleep at the bottom of the tub. I woke up with my face swollen and my shoulder bruised. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 505
You deserved it 5 259

Same thing different taste


H8rSk8r 0

you probably got a headrush. one time I stood up and got a headrush then I fell down with out realizing I did

Well, erm, at least you got to take a shower and go to bed? This almost happened to me yesterday, it's rubbish.

And after you woke up in the tub so saw a scaly tail on you and discovered that you became a mermaid/merman....

You probably locked your knees and passed out. It's happened to me, but my camera was live on screen at the football stadium... All they saw was sky and I woke up with a massive camera setup on top of me.