By Lexi - 20/11/2010 19:07 - Canada

Today, I took my two-year-old daughter swimming. While sitting in the hot tub, my daughter pointed to the elderly man sitting across from us and mumbled something. I couldn't understand her, so I asked her to repeat it. After two more attempts, she shouted, "MOM! He has big boobs!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 423
You deserved it 7 276

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why did you have a two year old in a hot tub and a communal one at that? They have signs at my club stating young children aren't to go in and I researched why. The temps are too high for little people who can't regulate their body temp yet. And the ick factor is unreal. They get yeast infections, UTIs, and other infections eadily from there. Eh, maybe that only applies to babies and not toddlers but better safe than sorry.


what 2 year old knows what boobs are? what are you teaching your kid, OP?

um quite a few do, i mean they nurse on their mom, notice mommy has them and daddy doesnt (hopefully lol) so she'll want to know what they are, or if she has a little new born sibling she'll find out. now knowing what sex is at that age isnt good, i found out when i was 3 D:

KingDingALing 9

9- I would like to know what you thought about sex when you were 3. I bet it was really funny.

well, i wasnt supposed to know, my 5 year old sister found out from my mom and my mom told my sister not to tell me, but she did anyway and when i found out i screamed "PENIS! PENIS! PENIS!" for like 2 weeks straight, i didnt say it though when my dad was home lol

yourafedexbabyXD 0

uh and you didnt know what they were?

KingDingALing 9

Hahahahaha, I can see that as an FML. Didn't your mom tell your dad though?

Y'all are lame. all I thought about at 2 was gettin pussy, and when my cat wasnt around, food!

troll, I hate myself for laughing at that. God damn you.

You made 2 grammatical errors in 1 short comment, Doc, and you're complimenting me?! Is something wrong?

I see no grammatical mistakes. I intentionally did not capitalize "troll" because that's how it appears in your name. What am I missing here?

Two spaces before the G, and while my name isn't capitalized, it's still at the beginning of a sentence, unless you have proof that that is correct. doesn't really matter though, I'm not used to this grammar Nazi stuff. no need to get mad, I was just saying

there technically is supposed to be 2 spaces between sentences

I think you all suck. Just sayin'. Oh, is this... can only the cool kids comment here? plzno corect mah spelnig

Even so, he'd need to be consistent with it... I feel like an ass now, I was trying to make a light joke, obviously I'm not a huge grammar nut...

Maybe I should just worry about my own grammar(:

That's Grammar Naziing to the extreme. I'm not mad - don't think for a minute that I'm above making mistakes, but those were both intentional. On the iPhone I only put one space after a full stop because I'm so goddamned lazy.

um my niece is two and she knows what boobs are!

samiboy9 0

what are you teaching your camera poor cameras gonna barf

At least she was taught to whisper and not yell the first 3 times. If my mom can't hear me, I will yell it out as well.

Kids are brutally honest. Ah, the fun of children.

You daughter made me laugh. but yeah, what did you teach her?!

Did you shake your head in agreement after this? Hopefully, the old man left... I find it pretty weird to be in a hot tub with an old fellow.

Why did you have a two year old in a hot tub and a communal one at that? They have signs at my club stating young children aren't to go in and I researched why. The temps are too high for little people who can't regulate their body temp yet. And the ick factor is unreal. They get yeast infections, UTIs, and other infections eadily from there. Eh, maybe that only applies to babies and not toddlers but better safe than sorry.

Which is definitely what the old guy with drooping boobies is.

Exactly. Clearly he was touching his boobs.. In front of mother and child.

Nah, his hands weren't visible, they were down below...

ImaginaryFoe......... STFU!!!! your comments are horrendous. KYS BIIIIIATCH.

yourafedexbabyXD 0

bet she was, stupid old men having bigger boobs then her XD

LoveINKs 0

You should NEVER HAVE A SMALL CHILD IN A HOT TUB. Why were u even there? A public pool is had enough filth... Gay men meet in the hot tubs & pools of our public pools &/or gyms. Freakin disgusting I actually pay to see this crap & workout... finally have separate sauna @ our facility.

So do lesbians; let's not forget to mention the straight people as well... Gay men aren't the only ones attracted to hot tubs and pools for fornicating and "meeting". If this irritates you so much, then start taking laps around your neighborhood; better yet, buy your own gym set.

LoveINKS are you completely mental? "Gay men meet in public pools and gyms?" Are you senile?? Let me tell you something sweetheart, gay men meet (ie ****) EVERYWHERE, as do gay women, straight men, and straight women. In the grocery store, at the gym, in the library, at sporting events (yes, gay men like sports, too), in clubs, on the street, on the subway, and probably at your house while you aren't home. Are you going to avoid all those places too because they're so filthy? Grow the **** up.

MuchDance90s 0

it's true. the gayest sex ever, happens in his bed, in his mind, during midnight fap time that's why he gets all antsy about gay people......... wants to distance himself

lovinit5683 0

Haha! When I was younger all the way up to 12 I use to scream out what I thought about people in public.. Kids are always the most honest, especially with people they don't know(: