By Anonymous - 02/10/2010 04:28 - United States

Today, I got a little too drunk and confessed to my fiancé, the love of my life, that I've been faking my orgasms all along. I hate that I can't lie when I'm drunk. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 439
You deserved it 41 294

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lenalee96 22

wow, don't get drunk. problem fixed.

Now maybe you can work together at giving you a toe curling, skull crushing ****** every now and then. We wouldn't want him to end up with brother status because he isn't doing it for you.


bravesfan112233 0

I have an idea! why don't you drink?! PLEASE WATCH

pimplayer 0

shame on you OP find a man who can handle your needs, or your going to end up breaking this kids heart.

lenalee96 22

wow, don't get drunk. problem fixed.

I swear to never drink beer! :(. beer smells weird. and looks like pee.

american beer maybe, try south african or german beer (when you're of legal drinking age of course). it's good stuff

well not yum but it is... interesting? I guess that's an appropriate word

Now maybe you can work together at giving you a toe curling, skull crushing ****** every now and then. We wouldn't want him to end up with brother status because he isn't doing it for you.

No_habla_espanol 11

Agreed. And, OP, if he truly is the love of your life, he should understand, but he definately deserves an apology. It's not nice to lie to him. :c

Emma Marshall 19

How is she a bitch for not wanting to hurt his feelings...?

JillianlikesVogu 0

Jup, YTDI, for faking, lying and for being a moron. You were simply ruining your sexlife (or certainly your orgasms). Stupid, oh stupid girl, You really did hurt his feelings. I would say, be glad that you told him, now you two can work on it or accept the fact that you can't come (if that's the case). Maybe he once trusts you again.

LauraElaineC 0

Some men turn into super ******* when you try and tell them that they aren't doing it for you. I think there was an earlier FML about this, the girl asked him to go harder and he had a little bitchfit.

JillianlikesVogu 0

Just because she doesn't ****** doesn't mean that she didn't enjoy it.

Xavi89 0

maybe you shouldn't drink around him?