By notsoonenufdeparted - 02/10/2010 05:07 - United States

Today, my four-year-old asked me when I was going to die. I replied "Not for a long time, why?" He looked at me and stated "Because I only want to live with Daddy." FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 274
You deserved it 4 810

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Obviously you're doing something wrong. A child that young should be crying his little ass off even thinking about his mum dying.

FFML_314 11

Your kid is sadistic, but at least he's honest.


ROFL! . . I mean, ummm, maybe you should buy his love, toys and stuff, lol ;)

Kids say the darndest things. Just ask Bill Cosy

areforever 0

"Kids say the darndest things" was an actual TV show, not Family Guy. Dumbass kids.

Kids say the darndest thongs. Just ask Rosie O'Donnell! (who, by the way, was the host of the shoe). =]

That was an old show, I vaguely remember it.

Melgros 0

Stop being a bitch and his answer will change.

I don't even want to think about Rosie O'Donnell, thongs, kids, and shoes all together. O.o FYI, the original host was Art Linkletter, since it started as a segment on a different show of his.

109- Sorry about that. Thanks for pointing out my typo. =]

stephanie0613 0

wow what's up with little kids these day's they are so hilarious. adding this to my favorites !

sheagstaz 0

pahahahaa x] more cookies are needed (:

Obviously you're doing something wrong. A child that young should be crying his little ass off even thinking about his mum dying.

A child that age doesn't understand the concept of dying. They might wish mum was dead so they can have candy whenever they want. It doesn't occur to them that it means mum won't be around to take care of them. It's fairly common, OP. Try not to take it to heart. The little brats have no tact or gratitude.

you obviously know nothing about children

yeah, my 4 year old started screaming I hate you I hate you I hate you (where did she learn that?!???) when I said she couldn't have a cupcake because she didn't eat her dinner.. silly kids

^You should've forced her to eat cow shit. It'd make your bitch daughter more grateful.

PeeNaught 3

number 34 who the hell you Calling a little brat and saying they have no tact or gratitude have you lookEd in the f****** mirror lately?

OceanBlueSea 12

Stewie tries to kill his mom all the time....

goodlike_fml 0

arf il sorry your kid will change ;)

Dude... Goodlike... we have the same birthday ^_^

_whisper_ 0
FFML_314 11

Your kid is sadistic, but at least he's honest.

lostinmymind121 0

he's a kid... they say things they don't mean. actually... they'll do that forever... but they start young

yes, I agree. I feel for u tho, OP, at the time it wouldve been a real heart breaker :( but I'm sure he didn't mean it, he's only four, it's a stage they go thru. :)