By IhateThem - 14/05/2011 05:07 - United States
Same thing different taste
Vengeance is mine
By shitty neighbor - 25/07/2021 10:01 - United States
By fionnathehuman - 09/10/2012 22:56 - United States
By assassinmaster - 04/05/2017 04:00
By ugh - 14/06/2011 17:56 - United States
Don't mind me
By Anonymous - 16/04/2012 12:38 - United States - West Palm Beach
By fucking mafia or what?? - 12/01/2013 22:02 - United States - Marysville
By dank meme - 11/02/2017 17:00 - United States - Chicago
By SonOfaSpy - 18/07/2011 01:51 - United States
By Brook363 - 27/05/2009 15:39 - United States
Boys will be annoying boys
By shouldve used a condom - 29/06/2022 14:00
Top comments
hah yea
Southpark is ftw.
ahahaha south park is amazing!!! :D
#47, your nose is not so amazing. Just thought you'd like to know that's so rude
Then don't take close up pics of your huge ass nose and use it as a display picture
And your creepy bug eyes and smile don't impress me either, wear a paper bag next time
#61 you can't be serious... I definitely don't think that is his personal pic because if it is, that means he is Jim Carrey.
Eh what can you do.
72.. thanks... and it's not like I'm trying to impress anybody.. so why be a bitch?
galacticotterfed, you're mean, and mean people suck. why would you insult a perfectly nice cute girl? if you keep that up, people will poop on your doorstep. plus you will never get laid. girls you deem cute enough will pass you over for someone nice.
that was intended for 65..
#72 You're* not even gonna bother with the rest, I'm quite proud of the way I look, and I still get laid every night, sterling sdfu you plastic surgeon reject, you remind me of the hamster in Bedtime Stories Bugsy and that's an insult to his cuteness
76... yeah ok keep telling yourself that...and I've never had plastic surgery!!!! ah your sooo stupid!!!
#74, far from cute, i'm a makeup artist I work with some fine babes, sick of seeing her ugly face all over the site she comments on everything, figured I'd comment on her
78.. you are such a liar.. god I bet you've never had a girlfriend
#77 you really haven't had plastic surgery? I feel sorry for ya honey, bridge is thatta way, take my carefactor of 0 and see if it will make a safe landing for you
well to be that mean you're sure compensating for some giant flaw, and I'm guessing it's not giant.
82... think whatever you want but I don't really care what you think
oh and #77 you're dumb ass lol
85.. lol I bet the only reason you trash people is because your trying to feel better about yourself, but dont worry it's not working on me... so why don't you just move on to someone else now ..
#88, when someone as ugly as you comes along I'll move on, if you were smart you would have shut your mouth and realized all your comments get thumbed to bits while mine rain supreme over your giant nose, just gtfo this site and stop commenting on every god damn thing unless you have something half worth reading to contribute.
91-it's "reign" and um look in a mirror,bud.i bet you have cankles...or maybe the smallest dick in the world.anyway sterling's comments are throwbacks,throwing back that litter shit that comes outta your stfu and syd.enjoy it too.
i cant believe i actiually read that dumb fight
#94 we're typing not talking, thanks for the correction too, and um worlds smallest still produced your ungrateful ass, you are so grounded for this mister. That's right who's your daddy? it's okay this will all get wiped when the mods are done looking it over anyways so might as well have fun with it while I can ^.^
98.. your comebacks are soo irritating and stupid .. you can still correct ppl when they are wrong?just stfu already,dude. you are making a foil of yourself by responding the second a new comment is made.your comebacks are shit.and you are a baca caba. try googling that.
98.. i just want to know why your dumbass decided to come on here and talk shit about her picture. she can do whatever the **** she wants. and your picture isnt really that impressive either. your a ******* joke. dumb piece of shit. you write long comebacks to make yourself feel smarter dont you? all of what you said shows that you are a heartless little boy that has a 2 inch penis and most likely has never had a girlfriend. now run along and get a life.
How rude can you be. Who cares how big or small someone's nose is? If she is a nice person then she is beautiful. Looks fade and then you just end up a terrible, ugly old person. Any claim you make--about being with hot chicks and being a make-up artist--is not going to be believed. No one can see what you look like on here and even if they did, your comments are what they take from this and they are ugly, nasty comments. Instead of wasting your energy being an asshole and a troll, why don't you work on your large ego. Also, the angle that she is taking the picture is known to make people's noses look bigger.
wow. Someone should beat some sense into that kid.
Yea show him who is BOSS. The next time he does that, you hide somewhere and when he has positioned himself, you kick him in the face
lol I just watched that episode!
me too!:)!
Me three!! And @ #1, I don't think beating a kid is ever really the answer....
lmao... fyl
just get a guard dog like a pit bull. or maybe you could scramble his brains with a .44 and say it was self defense.
respect my authour-a-ty!
You should wait with a power washer, blast his shit along with smart ass right off the front porch, kills two birds with one stone...
that is the funniest shit ever!!!
someone plays too much call of duty
134- you should change your picture. He looks like a fun guy. you're not.(ps everybody check out his name
156- I'm sorry, I didn't realize you were #2's mom.
hahaha, cool kid. but seriously, why are you even letting him watch that show at 9? that's where kids develop bad habits.
He's not their kid... Read it again.
OP's not letting him watch that show, the kid's parents are.
pick up his shit and rub it in his face!
Screw you guys, I'm going home!
Whoa. Shows how wild some kids can be these days. You know you should have just hid and waited for him while holding a baseball bat and scared the shit out of him (no pun intended). And who the hell lets their 9 year old son watch South Park?
Agreed. That would be great to see on video!
This. Would. Be. EPIC!
Nice. All while screaming "Respect my AuthoriTa!"
YOU SHOULD RESPECT HIS AUTHORITAH! But seriously, the shows rated TV-MA for a reason. Just because the kids in the show are 9, doesn't mean that he should be watching it at 9. You should really talk to your neighbors about him watching it, and what he does and doesn't repeat from the show. Unless, of course, your neighbors are the type of people who think their son is perfect and does nothing wrong. Then, you're screwed.
OP isn't screwed if he decides to fight fire with fire....
lol win #13
then you can crap in a bag, put it on their porch and light it on fire like in Billy Madison
Well it's probably because of the kids in the show. Monkey see monkey do.
Err he isnt screwed, you should visit your neughbours and when they're not around take a crap in that ******* bed. That'll show him :p
You should up the ante, and make it specific by smearing yours all over his window.
The best thing to do in this situation would be to take a leaf from Cartman's book. Use his strategy from the Scott Tenormsn Must Die episode. Make the kid eat his own parents. Now that's what I call revenge!
Or get a horse to bite the kids penis off!
I gotta try that!
Put bear traps in your garden ;)
Then put candy in the traps
I think he's right though.
wow. Someone should beat some sense into that kid.
pick up his shit and rub it in his face!