Smelly Thrones

By Anonymous - 09/09/2019 20:00

Today, I hate this time of year, not only because everything is pumpkin spice, but because of Bath and Body work sales. I work in an office full of women, and when Bath and Body has a sale, it's Game Of Smell Thrones in the office. My allergies then act up, and I handle the office phones. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 572
You deserved it 268

Same thing different taste

Top comments

OP should probably go to HR anyway. Management is less likely to help, HR is required to know about OSHA.

Buy a fan, and aim it away from yourself. Or spray them all with a fragrance you can tolerate.


Buy a fan, and aim it away from yourself. Or spray them all with a fragrance you can tolerate.

myfridge 5

Go to management then and inform them how it's affecting your health and threaten to go to HR

OP should probably go to HR anyway. Management is less likely to help, HR is required to know about OSHA.

A lot of workplaces have instituted scent-free policies in recent years for exactly this reason.

HR Right away. You can say you have perfume allergies (Which OP does) and ask to have things back to minimally worn. A LOT of office work places have this in effect. My husbands old workplace also has asked people to shower... It's not as uncommon as you think.