By wtf - 20/06/2011 07:43 - Canada

Today, I found out my wife isn't cheating. She says she's just getting older and sex isn't important anymore. She's 27. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 888
You deserved it 5 165

Same thing different taste

Top comments

TalkinSmack 6

sounds like she IS getting it elsewhere...


littlebird47 0

just start masturbating infront of her and see what she does

I'd probably laugh then tackle him if that happened to me. :3

kittea86 0

#22 maybe she just got tired of horrible sex and didnt want to hurt his feelings. i'm in the same boat

yikes, way to take out your own relationship troubles on a dude you dont know, **** your boyfriends life

yup, either that or he discovered Youjizz, whatever gets you through the day!

camo97 0

That sucks! My wife has lost over twenty pounds, is getting a boob job, works with rich guys, and doesn't like to have sex with me. she is either cheating or wanting a divorce, maybe both. forgot to mention that we have a very young child together. I feel your pain. FMLs all around!

that's her way of saying, "you suck at sex, but I like you"

ya that's it. she still "likes" me. but I suck at sex?? me where it says the sex stopped?

milly_wonka 4

maybe she a lesbian u never know but sorry to hear that

creedaddict 9

women reach there sexual peak in there 40s ... u got a long wait buddy

gurlnextdoor64 0

dude you're right... fyl. that sucks!

ashlyn88 0