By wtf - 20/06/2011 07:43 - Canada

Today, I found out my wife isn't cheating. She says she's just getting older and sex isn't important anymore. She's 27. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 888
You deserved it 5 165

Same thing different taste

Top comments

TalkinSmack 6

sounds like she IS getting it elsewhere...


I was told the same by an ex of mime when she was 20 & she even claimed her meds made her drive nonexistent....truth was, the meds increased her drive @ she was screwing another man for meth. glad I got rid of her...sorry OP but either your woman has clinical issues or she IS cheating or both. :(...

Haahhahahaha consider yourself lucky. I'm 19 and I'm already over sex. Sometimes it has nothing to do with cheating, or hormonal problems. I just don't enjoy it. It's boring. And I don't NEED to have it really doesn't matter. Be grateful that you've had a few great years of sex with your wife, and now just enjoy being with her. :) Sex isn't a big deal!

something is wrong with you, you should consider seeing your doctor..

I have, and no, nothing is wrong. In fact it's pretty normal really. I also don't have a problem with the fact that I don't like sex.

kitties_fml 12

you're seriously missing out...


it cool man...she'll realize she's running out of sex time in a few years and you'll be back in there

if it is of no importance to her than she shouldn't mind I'd you go and get it elsewhere.

ure not hittin it right? idk how boring it would get after years of marrige since i havent and wont be marrying any time soon, wish u luck tho op

looloothing 9
YoungBraze 0

well i'll start bookmarking some internet **** if i we're you, lmao jk your life truly needs to get ******

She's cheating. You're probably walking around with blinders on pretending every things gonna be ok and it's not. That's the problem with marrying young for women. They think they know what they want or they figure they're gonna change a man. When it doesn't happen suddenly they're not interested in sex, you or anything else you used to have in common. I've yet to meet a couple (myself included) who at this point of not caring about the others feelings (her for yours) ever come back to way things were. Make sure you start separating things. make sure you have your own checking account so she can't drain you of your money like in a joint account. Make sure your credit cards that are in your name and not her's. Every woman I've ever seen pull this crap does the exact same thing. First it's intimacy. then its conversations. the sex gets non-existent. then they stop caring about what you do. Then to confuse you, they might either A. have great sex with you (thier way of saying good bye) and turn into b!tch, drain the accounts and then file papers or B. turn into b!tch, drain the accounts and then file papers. It'll take a while to get over and yea it'll hurt, But then you'll meet women who are faarrrrr better and learn to look at what you've been through as a learning experience.

ReynshineCutting 10

You're an idiot. Please don't give anyone marriage advice ever again. If OP just randomly started separating finances, don't you think his wife would get suspicious of him? And she would have absolutely every right to do so. Your marriage advice is "don't talk to her, don't work things out, separate your money behind her back and then get a divorce". That has got to be the absolute worst marriage advice I've ever heard. There's no proof she's cheating whatsoever. Just not having sex with your spouse does not mean cheating. I'm 21 and have virtually no sex drive. Does that mean because my fiancé and I have sex 1-2 times a week that I'm sleeping around on him? No. It means I have a low sex drive. Period. The same could easily be true for OPs wife. There are 10,000 different things that cause low sex drive. So please do us all a favor and don't give marriage advice again. With your attitude it's no wonder marriages fail left and right these days.

she's a cheater. divorce her and get a new one.... fast