By Lord Kane of Flatulon - 06/10/2015 11:13 - Australia - Warrnambool

Today, I found out my dad has been using the flip-flops I wear in the shower. The reason I wear them is to prevent myself from getting his nasty foot fungus. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 885
You deserved it 1 675

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Boil them in hot water, then empty the pot onto your dad. Or, you could try telling him. That might work better!

Have a talk with your dad or if that doesn't work just keep them hidden from him.


mermaidkeels 26

Let him keep the old ones and just buy a new pair. Problem solved!

tantanpanda 26

Boil them in hot water, then empty the pot onto your dad. Or, you could try telling him. That might work better!

He sounds like a real fungi. His attitude doesn't leave you mushroom to manoeuvre. It's a real shiitake situation.

What did I just read? Honestly this pun made absolutely no sense to me

It made perfect sense, it was just terrible

"He sounds like a real fun guy, his attitude doesn't leave you much room to manoeuvre. It's a real shit take situation" Unfortunate use of fungus-related puns, made worse by the fact that without the puns it doesn't really relate to the FML at all...

dirtbikeguy 14

ohh, thanks 20. That completely flew right over my head. Especially that shiitake bit, i was pronouncing it as it really is, not how it looks

Pee on them in the shower and then he will never wear them again.

Have a talk with your dad or if that doesn't work just keep them hidden from him.

leogachi 15

@8 People who don't want to catch someone's foot fungus.

sillyyoshi1998 13

I'd say to get a separate pair. Just make it a different color, or find some way to distinguish! I don't think you'd get his foot fungus unless it's a constantly repeated experience. though, so hopefully that alleviates any worry.