By wtf - 20/06/2011 07:43 - Canada

Today, I found out my wife isn't cheating. She says she's just getting older and sex isn't important anymore. She's 27. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 888
You deserved it 5 165

Same thing different taste

Top comments

TalkinSmack 6

sounds like she IS getting it elsewhere...


Sunny_Eclipse 6

Lies. That's what your wife is full of.

chickadie2004 0

at least she's not cheating

evilravie 0

in the words of Dan Savage: DTMFA. seriously.

funnyfuntime 0

Can you always take your wife's word for it that shes not cheating? She can always be screwing someone behind your back. Sex with you must have gotten boring.

danz123 7

Well tell her having a job and doing chores 'isn't important anymore' now you're 'getting older.' Failing that, get counseling. Failing THAT, divorce.

BigPerro4life 0

Ask her if you can recruit a pinch hitter that still cares about the game!

She should see a doctor to make sure there isn't a physical problem. Then, get counseling and open up communications. To women, intimacy comes from being emotionally close and that takes more work than simply hopping in bed.

iamEricCartmen 0

Funny story, Kyle's mom is a stupid Jew bitch.