By Anonymous - 15/06/2014 19:22 - United Kingdom

Today, I found out that my wife has had more sex in the last two months than I have in our last year of marriage. FML
I agree, your life sucks 67 091
You deserved it 6 385

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Screw cheaters. Well...actually it looks like other guys have been. Sorry OP. :(


After you sleep with her best friend of course.

brettrb 18

Carrie Underwood knows best. Study up OP.

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I think you need to read the fml again #24. He refered to her as his wife, meaning current. And by last year of marriage he meant the previous 12 months, not the final year.

It's ambiguous. 'Last year' might mean 'previous year,' or it might be 'final.' I read it as 'previous,' since he doesn't call her his ex and he also says 'the last two months.'

martin8337 35
incoherentrmblr 21

#16, don't forget Taylor Swift...

crazytwinsmom 25

Maybe she's taking care of herself by herself, more than he is. He doesn't exactly say she's cheating.

No he clearly said sex, sex Is with another person. She is a cheating bitch.

crazytwinsmom 25

I guess I think of sex as a broader definition of things. Not just intercourse.

Maybe sex can be thought of as more than just intercourse but there HAS to be 2 or more people to be sex.

Even if there isn't any intercourse...oral sex and other things are still cheating. My ex boyfriend once told me it wasn't cheating because he never 'finished.' ...I know. He was clearly a winner right? Anyways, everyone has their own ideas of what cheating is...but if my man even went on a date with someone else, I would consider that cheating.

Is everyone forgetting about Miranda Lambert?

Gravenmuir 18

did you know in some stats if your spouse cheats on you. you can take her to court as well as all the people that shehe cheated on you with. basically you can take "everything" from her and up to 50000 from the 3rd person. just saying take her to court before cutting her off.

Ouch man, that hurts. Hope you find a solution youre happy with. wish you the best of luck!

You might wanna get tested if anything else hurts..

And by "last year", you do mean the last year, right?

The previous year, versus the final year.

martin8337 35

Right. Because we're talking about business entities. I don't think 34's comment needed any further clarification on calendar year versus fiscal year.

Don't worry #3, I understood what you ment

Yeah really, I understood what #3 meant, it just took a few seconds. I can see how people would have taken it as nonsense at quick glance and downvoted it, though.

Screw cheaters. Well...actually it looks like other guys have been. Sorry OP. :(

There's plenty more fish in the ocean, OP :/

Yea OP, find a nice fish to sleep with. Then you will have little mermaid babies.

Oh god, I can't breathe, good job there @25..

Sounds like she ****** you over! Oh wait...

jad0016 12

more liked ****** all over everyone else

badluckalex 23
MAD01502 20

Make a contest out of it, then divorce that disrespectful bitch!

Read they fml again. They are divorced.

Disrespectful "person" not "bitch". The League of Female Dogs does not wish to be associated with OP's two-timing wife.

You know... I'm not normally one who advocates divorce, but I think it's time to consider it. She's obviously happy, but that's at the expense of your happiness. Time to move on.

They are divorced already. Read the fml again.

rocker_chick23 27

Why would they talk through this? Cheaters don't deserve a second chance.

WOW! That's messed up, man :( You will find someone way better than her!