By wtf - 20/06/2011 07:43 - Canada

Today, I found out my wife isn't cheating. She says she's just getting older and sex isn't important anymore. She's 27. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 888
You deserved it 5 165

Same thing different taste

Top comments

TalkinSmack 6

sounds like she IS getting it elsewhere...


just jerk off for the rest of your life :)

yeah. I'm going through that same thing. we're 18.

Playful1985 9

Blame marriage, it has a sobering effect on limbido.

Playful1985 9

There's no such thing as a peak age for women, it's a myth. Many have believed it was 30s purely because by then she's more experienced and knows what she likes. It's all about communication. And I personally prefer no sex to bad sex. I can't have a relationship without regular bdsm for example.

alimahdi 4

Listen I'm a woman and to be truthful I don't blame men cheating these days on their wives or girlfriends! The reason most of you women find sex boring is because your not willing to put yourself out there and try new things. I would get bored to if i laid there like a nun. Try new positions, have fun, do it anywhere you want to! Don't be afraid to have what you want and the way you want it. Be a good wife during the day and be a prostitute at night!! ;) (some of your girls act like sex is math relax and just get wild!)

shes cheating...girls always want to "do it" especially at 27

jman2324 0

she's doing the mail man! or worse the mail women.