By wtf - 20/06/2011 07:43 - Canada

Today, I found out my wife isn't cheating. She says she's just getting older and sex isn't important anymore. She's 27. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 888
You deserved it 5 165

Same thing different taste

Top comments

TalkinSmack 6

sounds like she IS getting it elsewhere...


sounds like she had been around at very young age...

kaykay20 0

So you would rather have her cheating on you then not having sex with anyone? Your one weird individual if you think her being loyal to you is a fml.

just the way I opened my FML, I knew she wasn't cheating ppl sure jump to conclusions tho

what the hell damn get her some spanish fly PRONTO

ConnerCyanide 0

Divorce.. cough.. cough lol

808Lol 0

maybe you're not all that good at sex ?

Cheat on her and then when she finds out say oh, sex is still important to me but you said it wasnt to you and I didnt want to pressure you into doing anything you did not want to do besides it was pure pleasure and I love you not them. Bam. in the clear I hope

ilikeemsmall 4

EJECT EJECT! Since you are getting older and everything, let her know marriage isn't important least not to an old lady like her.

What the hell guys? It doesn't say they're NOT having sex anymore, perhaps they're just having less... like, maybe they were doing it three times a day and now they're only doing it every second day or something. The fact is, MOST couples sex lives reduce after being married a few years. Hopefully, this man is mature enough to be able to communicate that he needs more physical intimacy from her and they're able to work on it together. But he sounds pretty immature if he instantly leaps to the conclusion she's cheating.

A sensible person who didn't jump to the conclusion sex stopped, congrats on being able to read, immature? really? I never thought she was cheating it was just how I started the FML. and the responses from ppl would lead me to believe most of them are immature

Mikahz94 0

HaHa! Whatever. She's cheating. Don't look like a dumbass and believe she isn't. I garuntee she is.

you guarantee it?? Really do you know my wife personally??