By Bad Mommy - 21/06/2012 05:40 - United States - Los Angeles

Today, I found out from her teacher that my daughter in kindergarten gets the little boys in her class to play grown-ups with her. It's basically dry humping and groaning. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 321
You deserved it 9 428

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Does your daughter happen to overhear you and your partner's late night escapades, by any chance?

Well at least her impersonation of "grown-ups" is spot on!


mom2pen 4

Agree with 55, get her to a doctor, definite sign of abuse.

Raylosophy 10

Maybe you should be more careful about letting your daughter see and/or hear you during sex.

GVirdi: Yeah, she's joking. ladyLALAA is a regular, so she definitely knows what OP is. She's probably just in a trolling mood. :)

What does she want to be when she grows up?

FireFlie07 20

I would recommend an all girls boarding school

That won't fix the problem. You don't think she'd play "grown ups" with the girls too?

perdix 29

What? She's not making them take her to dinner and a movie before the dry-humping and groaning? ****! She should be getting candy and jewelry out of the deal;)

4: that is a ****** creepy ass comment........

talloctopus 7
GVirdi 11

Not necessarily, there's other things that could be going on and those things have been mentioned in other comments