Rightly so

By Anonymous - 23/04/2022 00:00 - United States - Morganville

Today, my friends and I decided to prank the pizza guy. Once he rang the doorbell, I jumped out of the bushes wearing a scary mask and holding a fake dagger. He almost instantly whipped out a Taser and got me right in the collarbone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 121
You deserved it 2 665

Same thing different taste

Top comments

“Today while I was delivering a pizza, some dickwad jumped out of the bushes wearing a mask and holding a knife and then got upset when I tased them. Fml” Pizza guy doesn’t get paid enough for your bullshit.

TomeDr 24

How old are you? 10? What a stupid thing to do! Serves you right!


TomeDr 24

How old are you? 10? What a stupid thing to do! Serves you right!

“Today while I was delivering a pizza, some dickwad jumped out of the bushes wearing a mask and holding a knife and then got upset when I tased them. Fml” Pizza guy doesn’t get paid enough for your bullshit.

mccuish 25

Why would a pizza delivery person care a ******* razor

2deployments1divorce 11

You've never heard of a pizza delivery person getting robbed?

It was a taser, not a razor. Please read. They deserved to get tazed because people are crazy these days.

Getting shot would have been a real FML, and you would have deserved it. You suck.

Non-lethal is better (control issues, doesn't open the company to lawsuits). I wish I had one of those when I was delivering pizza...

2deployments1divorce 11

that wasn't a prank. that was a dick hole move. you deserved what you got

I haven't laughed this hard in years! You're lucky it wasn't a gun, you dumb bastard.

Service workers don't deserve that shit, I hope you tipped.

littl3storm 29

without guys like him you wouldn't be able to order pizza in the first place. Have respect for those working in the industry because without them you wouldn't have the services that we do.

TheEntity652 1

this is a perfect example of "**** around and find out" you are an idiot