By Bad Mommy - 21/06/2012 05:40 - United States - Los Angeles

Today, I found out from her teacher that my daughter in kindergarten gets the little boys in her class to play grown-ups with her. It's basically dry humping and groaning. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 321
You deserved it 9 428

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Does your daughter happen to overhear you and your partner's late night escapades, by any chance?

Well at least her impersonation of "grown-ups" is spot on!


skyeyez9 24

You need to have a talk with her to see if she accidentally saw you and your hubby having sex, or God forbid, she is being molested and acting out the behavior.

77- I truly hope she just saw mommy's shenanigans, as the possible alternative is leaving a sick feeling of disgust in the pit of my stomach. :(

My parents had to explain to me that I couldn't kiss my bf in Class 24/7 in kindergarten and I turned out fine (uni graduate and work full time) your kid will be okay op!

Ok you should NOT have a bf or be kissing in kindergarten! Unacceptable!

I had a boy I called my boyfriend in pre-school. Yeah, I didn't make out with him or anything. He kissed me on the cheek at pre-school graduation. And he played with me at recess. It's innocent.

Lol i did the same thing when i was young!

lilmslady 11

Wow I know what she going to be doing when she's older

lowie89 7

YDI, why would you expose your 5 year old like that? Whether she learned it from you or the tv you should pay better attention!!! Now she is exposing other kids. Great job! Parent of the year!!

Why are you blaming the girl's mom and not the boys'? How do you know one of them wasn't the one exposing, so to speak?

lowie89 7

Reread it! The OP clearly says that the teacher said HER daughter was getting the boys to play grown why would it be the boys fault?! And by exposing I meant showing the boys to hump etc.. Not exposing herself.

ArbiterOfFML 24

Because, the boys could of shown her at an earlier point in time and this time the girl was caught. Unless you were there watching, god forbid if you did, my guess is as good as yours.

DrownedMyFish 18

Lol I did the same thing when I was younger. I'm embarrassed to admit it but it's true.

headeeeer 3

At least you know she likes men