It's the Final Countdown

By Mightytall - 11/09/2019 00:01

Today, I had a very long wait at the doctor's. The three plastic plants in the waiting area have 163 leaves each, the patient information poster on the wall has 127 words, the longest word has 19 letters. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 633
You deserved it 170

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What colors were the eyes of the other patients? I thought so ... you didn’t look.


What colors were the eyes of the other patients? I thought so ... you didn’t look.

mccuish 25

How many ceiling panels did you count?

You have hold back on that until you get to the exam room.

Psychiatrist, presumably.. hope you got help with that anxiety OCD thing.

The odds of all the plants having the same amount of leaves is unlikely. I think you need to count again

they are plastic plants, so yes it is feasible for them to have the same amount of leaves. Even if they weren't made that way to begin with someone could have "Trimmed" them.