By Bad Mommy - 21/06/2012 05:40 - United States - Los Angeles

Today, I found out from her teacher that my daughter in kindergarten gets the little boys in her class to play grown-ups with her. It's basically dry humping and groaning. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 321
You deserved it 9 428

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Does your daughter happen to overhear you and your partner's late night escapades, by any chance?

Well at least her impersonation of "grown-ups" is spot on!


redmnky21 8

um... that's a sign your daughter may be being sexually abused

MD5385457 2

Kids mimic what they see and I'd be embarrassed to post this. It's ridiculous, not funny. That's what's wrong with most children these days. Lack of parents.

Another two words: Stripper Pole. ;-/

Raath00 7

Maybe in 18 years she'll grow up to be the next big **** star. Pro parenting OP

This made me think about all the stuff that I did when I was a little kid that seems perverse to me now. There was this huge ass green ball. I remember, my guy friend used to sit on it and bounce and I'd sit on his lap and bounce on top of him. *shudder*

That is a sign of sexual abuse, this is quite serious. You will likely get an enquiry about this op.

jazzybaby179 22

Actually it's Optimus Prime:)