By Bad Mommy - 21/06/2012 05:40 - United States - Los Angeles

Today, I found out from her teacher that my daughter in kindergarten gets the little boys in her class to play grown-ups with her. It's basically dry humping and groaning. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 321
You deserved it 9 428

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Does your daughter happen to overhear you and your partner's late night escapades, by any chance?

Well at least her impersonation of "grown-ups" is spot on!


I've seen it a long time ago... And I asked what it meant and everybody gave me bullshit answers...! Lol

Looks like you'll be a grandmother in 10 years or so.

Wow. You know it's technically sexual abuse to expose a child to that kind of stuff? I'm assuming she's seen something or she wouldn't be the one leading her little group...

robc32ca 4

She learned it from somewhere!

Check playboy magazine in the near future.

pandapoof42 3

... words can't describe how wrong this is. Que.: I don't want to live on this planet anymore meme

theladysman 1

a future **** not to far in the future but that is ok if not for ***** some guys not even get laid

JesseJimenez 4

No more Jersey Shore for her

Haha and who's fault is it that se learned that?