By Grant - 11/01/2013 00:51 - United States

Today, I found out that my son told my daughter at some point that "real" name for Hershey's Kisses is "blowjobs." I found this out because at kindergarten she was asked what her favorite food was. The teacher wasn't happy when she called me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 765
You deserved it 3 111

Same thing different taste

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When I was little my cousin told me that the name of the show I loved was actually called ****..lets just say the next day the worker at my daycare was very concerned when I said I liked watching **** and that it made me happy. Fyl op, I hope the teacher wasnt too big of a dick about the situation.

I might add that it's a good thing the children don't know what that is, but with this generation... I just can't be too sure.


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Murderers I understand, but chocolate haters?

It's weird I know, but I've never had a taste for chocolate either.

chell1894 13

Have you tried white chocolate?

53 - Ehite chocolate isn't actually chocolate. No cocoa.

I might add that it's a good thing the children don't know what that is, but with this generation... I just can't be too sure.

So what if they do know? Oh yeah... Forgot... Knowledge is the devil.

The child is in kindergarten! I don't know how old you're supposed to be in the US, but in my country children around 3-4 years old go to our equivalent of kindergarten. I'd say it's pretty messed up if a 3 yo knew what ******* meant.

generalasskicker 12
Bravesfan319 11

Or.... She's a kindergartener and every kindergartener does embarrassing things, so she'll be fine?

You just never know what kids will say these days. It could have been worse, you got lucky.

iOceanus 18

Truly deserves the title of an,"Epic Troll."

When I was little my cousin told me that the name of the show I loved was actually called ****..lets just say the next day the worker at my daycare was very concerned when I said I liked watching **** and that it made me happy. Fyl op, I hope the teacher wasnt too big of a dick about the situation.

marlenoysis 7

Ouch. I hope the teacher believes you and they don't call CPS on you. Your boy needs a good spanking too tho.

Sounds like they should be calling CPS on you because that disciplinary action is illegal in about 48 states and all Canada.

Bravesfan319 11

No, it's uh.... It's not illegal. Just don't stop over the line from spanking to child abuse.

29... It SHOULD be illegal since the only group of people you can legally hit is literally children, but yeah it's not illegal (maybe in Canada, idk)

I don't understand all the fuss over spanking a child who misbehave as her son has. I was spanked when I misbehaved (not like every time I screwed up but if it was severe enough to warrant it) and I have no "mental scars". in fact the thought that people think I might from it is complete ludicrous. it made me understand that there are consequences for my actions and I didn't want those consequences. I'm afraid of a world where a child is given a lollipop and a pat on the back instead of a spanking when they misbehave

Your son is a Goober and your daughter is a Raisinet.