By Bad Mommy - 21/06/2012 05:40 - United States - Los Angeles

Today, I found out from her teacher that my daughter in kindergarten gets the little boys in her class to play grown-ups with her. It's basically dry humping and groaning. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 321
You deserved it 9 428

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Does your daughter happen to overhear you and your partner's late night escapades, by any chance?

Well at least her impersonation of "grown-ups" is spot on!


om102907 4

Really. Really. really, really, really. What fund do I need to give to so we can help your child?

It may not be abuse. Tons of kids have sex-play at a young age. They just know it feels good, and they know that "mommy and daddy" or "grownups" do it. They really have no idea what they are doing. OP, you just need to sit down and have a talk with her.

And how do they know that what feels good to them is 'sex play' that 'mummy and daddy do'? Abuse isn't just being raped by a paedophile you know.

She must have a bright future ahead of her

ma1_eatley 2

I wonder where she's getting that from mom...

You're daughter may become a *****. Stop it while you still can.

AzzieC 12

Yeah ur raising ur daughter "really well"

Sairagna 2

Can't blame her... That was my favorite game too in kindergarten.

You, or someone in your family, is oviously not being "private" about their sessions. If it's you then you completely deserve this! Learn to be a god damn parent! If it isn't you, and you have an older son (but I hightly doubt if if she's in kindergarnten) then find out who and get them to stop. Have a talk with your daughter and let her know that only "mommies and daddies" do those kind of things, and she isn't allowed to until she is much, much older.

StephLovesYouuxo 1

If she's doing that this young, then be prepared for like a 13-year old pregnant daughter

163- I just wanted to say, you have the most uplifting profile I've ever read here on FML. You must have one amazing view on life, and for that, I think I envy you a bit. :) Cheers.