By Kenny - 24/01/2014 07:16 - Nigeria - Lagos

Today, I noticed my laptop kept shutting down and the mouse cursor was all over the place, clicking on every folder. I dismantled the entire computer only to notice something in one of my USB drives: the receiver to a wireless mouse my colleague put there earlier to play a prank on me. 5ML
I agree, your life sucks 39 457
You deserved it 8 347

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least nothing was actually wrong with your computer. If you know how to take it apart then I'm hoping you can put it back together.

Zverina 20

Guess you could say your computer was... Cursed... by a cursor.


At least nothing was actually wrong with your computer. If you know how to take it apart then I'm hoping you can put it back together.

Apparently the comment I was responding to got deleted.

Did nobody actually notice that it said 5ML?

Its FMLs 5th birthday so they're doing that.

Did you notice that is says 5ML, not FML?

It was actually a small prank. I can see how he missed the USB for the wireless mouse since mine is extremely small but he could have checked those areas first. It didn't actually harm his computer. Now he just has to put it back togther. At least this prank didn't cost him money.

Can someone explain to me why it says 5ML and mot FML?

No. An unnecessary prank would go something like " the colleague downloads child **** to OP's laptop and then later OP gets arrested for real."

biasedshooter 24

But why would he take it apart? That was obviously a software problem... I think op is either exaggerating or just dumb

#16, You've never had a prank pulled on you? Or pulled a prank on someone else?

I feel like this FML is a scenario that would be on big bang theory.

#29 I was JUST going to say the same thing! Hahaha

Wiringify 22

I don't see why #2/20 is being downvoted so much. This sounds like a harmless prank, and I have participated in those plenty of times, on either end. I'd like to believe most people have. As long as no one gets hurt and you can laugh about it later, I'm all for it. I can understand that some of you might downvote but not so many.

Yes, thank you #60. Most people have pranked someone even if it's something as little as jumping out and scaring them

That's no how you do it #65 this is how you do it. Guys please don't stop disliking my comment.

Zverina 20

Guess you could say your computer was... Cursed... by a cursor.

nothing like office pranking. get your coworker back with some **** noises on speakers.

At least he didn't make a hardcore goat-**** audio clip your shutdown tune.

Be sure to get them back with something worse! sorry OP!

Revenge is a dish best served cold. I hope you get your opportunity soon.

Sounds to me like you just used this as an unnecessary opportunity to get to open up your laptop. It was fun, wasn't it? Try looking around the outsides first, you'll save yourself a lot of time next time.

I was wondering why did he actually dismantle it in the first place... There was no reason to do so whatsoever, really.

dismantling it sounds like something I would do as a last resort.

#71: As would I, that's why I think it is/was quite extreme to do as a first course of action.

Could have been worse -- Open up your browser history would have been catastrophic!

juststephhere 23

That's so awful but hilarious!