By Anonymous - 02/11/2015 19:05 - United States - Rogers

Today, I asked a guy out. He told me no. Well, his exact words were "I would never go out with a whale, sorry." Then he went on to make whale noises. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 039
You deserved it 4 211

Same thing different taste

Top comments

olpally 32

Slap him for being rude. Geeze, that's cold.

You will find someone eventually. Unfortunately, people can be ******* assholes that are probably insecure themselves.


What a pig, oink oink. Sorry to hear that OP

Inconsiderate jerk. All women have something beautiful, most men are just to lazy to look.

Treaton 5

this is funny cause girls should feel the rejection we guys have to deal with all the time. Women can be alot more mean than this guy making whale noises.

All these comments saying to hurt him... wtf is wrong with you ppl, you dont assault ppl cuz they called you a name. How is that ever ok? Take it like a ******* adult.

conman531 23

What an asshole. If he is even your friend drop him. don't need that negativity around you

Unnecessarily rude. Honestly would not expect behavior like that from anyone over the age of 5. I wouldn't take anything someone with that maturity level has to say with more than a grain of salt, so don't let that affect your confidence level, which I find admirable. Many girls (myself included) don't have the courage to make the first move.

I really hope you kicked him in the balls after that.

giraffeegreen 7

Don't let a jerk like that get you down. He deserves a cold hearted person like himself.