By Anonymous - 02/11/2015 19:05 - United States - Rogers

Today, I asked a guy out. He told me no. Well, his exact words were "I would never go out with a whale, sorry." Then he went on to make whale noises. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 039
You deserved it 4 211

Same thing different taste

Top comments

olpally 32

Slap him for being rude. Geeze, that's cold.

You will find someone eventually. Unfortunately, people can be ******* assholes that are probably insecure themselves.


Not mature enough for a date...plain and simple...

I'm going to say this: he shouldn't have called you a whale that was a complete douche canoe of a move but if you are over weight and he just would've said I don't date people who are over weight that would be okay

Actually instead of making a judgement call that 'he doesn't date people who are overweight', even if they're amazing and gorgeous and funny and smart and confident and fabulous, a simple "i'm not attracted to you" would have sufficed.

if you ever talk to him again, let him know clearly it wasnt meant to be because you dont do fucktards

He could've said no politely, but that's not how the world works.

healthcarechick 9

That asshole is a prick and Karma will get his ass!!! And anyone else that says that you deserved it is a stupid ******* prick as well. Opinions are like assholes everybody has one. **** everybody!!!!!!!

BstMode 14

some people should have been swallowed, no need to be a dick, he should have just said no and left it at that

I applaud you for asking him out in the first place. That takes a lot of heart.

I suppose it's an equality win that a woman has the opportunity to be destroyed by rejection as much as a man.