By racello13 - 02/11/2015 15:26 - United States - Baldwinsville

Today, I've been robbed. I came home to find my oven door missing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 454
You deserved it 1 814

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm sorry that you have been burgled but having your oven door taken is pretty funny.


well I guess your oven can't catch on fire. it can't get hot either.

I'm sorry that you have been burgled but having your oven door taken is pretty funny.

This kind of reminds me of a burglar scenario from the Sims.

They'll probably try to sell it as a big screen t.v. 'Cops' had an episode where a guy did that.

corky1992 33

What? That's such an odd thing to steal.

At least you know one of the things they took

CODplayer4lyfe 24

Those things go for some good money on the black market, I'm telling ya

Who the **** thinks that she deserved to get her robbed?!

ChopSuey444 20

Several people hit YDI accidentally. I do when my phone is being slow and I tap a lot in my attempt to make it scroll.

At least they didn't take something too valuable.

meli1195 31

well some stoves can be pretty expensive, maybe OP doesn't have the money to buy one atm.

ChopSuey444 20

I feel like your oven door would be one of those things you don't realize how badly you need til it's gone.

I think it probably is pretty valuable because it's not like op can just go buy an oven door that will happen to fit their make and model. Chances are op's going to have to buy a brand new oven/stove which cost a lot of money!

I feel bad for you op but this is hilarious. At least you'll have a fun story to tell!