By Anonymous - 02/11/2015 19:05 - United States - Rogers

Today, I asked a guy out. He told me no. Well, his exact words were "I would never go out with a whale, sorry." Then he went on to make whale noises. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 039
You deserved it 4 211

Same thing different taste

Top comments

olpally 32

Slap him for being rude. Geeze, that's cold.

You will find someone eventually. Unfortunately, people can be ******* assholes that are probably insecure themselves.


Whales are awesome, they are fascinating, people go out on boats to see them and many find it a truly touching experience. This guy will only ever be a douchebag, no-one goes out on boats to see those.

Then do something to change that and make him eat his words. Silent revenge is the best revenge

hahahahhahaha xD you should drown him in the ocean!

It's better to find out early on he's a jerk. And you i doubt you're a whale. Sure, probably not wafer thin but let's be honest, I learned curves are easy to hug

He doesn't deserve you. You sure dodged a bullet there.

OMG Who does that?! I'm so sorry that happened to you! I am a firm believer in karma, sit back and watch karma handle him. I personally would have slapped the hell out of him but, you are clearly a stronger person. Sweetie, the right man will come along who sees the true beauty in you inside and out. Not everyone is as ugly as he is. Remember he's just a douche and you are beautiful.

That's like when my then-boyfriend asked me to prom and when I said yes he said "oh never mind I forgot they don't serve enough water for whales there" -.-

*hugs* you're a beautiful person who deserves better