By Koizumiii - 15/11/2015 18:47 - United States - Chantilly

Today, I was on the bus home from work when I felt something strange in my hair. I turned to look, and saw the old woman next to me sucking on the end of my hair. When she noticed me staring, she didn't stop but instead said, "So pretty. Can I have?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 770
You deserved it 1 423

Koizumiii tells us more.

Koizumiii 23

I was speechless for a few seconds and just kind of stared at her, then grabbed my hair and pulled it out of her mouth and decided to stand instead. Then I took a shower! I would have said something to her but she was about 80 and from Asia, didn't really know English too well

Top comments

Hahaha that's some creepy ass shit. I gotta ask though, what was your answer?


Hahaha that's some creepy ass shit. I gotta ask though, what was your answer?

Koizumiii 23

I was speechless for a few seconds and just kind of stared at her, then grabbed my hair and pulled it out of her mouth and decided to stand instead. Then I took a shower! I would have said something to her but she was about 80 and from Asia, didn't really know English too well

I seriously cringed at the mental picture of you pulling your hair out of a lady's mouth. Bleehhhhh. But I mean, I guess it means you have really pretty hair ?

cheshireau 26

I would have trimmed that section of hair.

nameisname 12

So pretty you are have you may I

I would have been worse if she had dentures and as you pulled out you hair...

Well....I don't really know what I would do...

Nebu257 7

"What pretty hair, what lovely locks you got there. They're worth a sultan my dear. I'll take the lot. I'll give you all of 10 Frank's. Just think of that"

Oooooh, umm, no! She's like the creepy guy from the first Charlie's Angels

cheshireau 26

Oh yeah that dude who sniffs the hair! Hilarious character that one

Yes... It's such a good compliment when your getting your hair sucked...

So creepy, I read the other day of a woman who had someone cut her hair off when she fell asleep on a train, and the route she was on is one I travel every week. It's a bit hard to relax knowing that.

What the **** ? This is so creepy but also really funny . "Can I have?" had me in tears ? Straight to the faves!