Two sides to every story

By Anonymous - 08/08/2020 02:02

Today, my grandpa told me that he and grandma had an open relationship, because, "it isn't satisfying to have sexuality with only one person your whole life.” According to grandma, he just cheated on her constantly and she couldn’t do anything to stop him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 096
You deserved it 144

Same thing different taste

Top comments

so tell your grandpa that it wasn't and he cheated on poor grandma. make him feel like shit

I'm guessing it was a "semi-open" relationship -- y'know, one where grandpa could stray but grandma couldn't.


so tell your grandpa that it wasn't and he cheated on poor grandma. make him feel like shit

DirtySalamander 9

you think that's gonna make feel like shit after all he has done? lol nah

I'm guessing it was a "semi-open" relationship -- y'know, one where grandpa could stray but grandma couldn't.

samomaha 17

This sucks, but it defintely is not an FML for you. It's an FML for Gran.

Jillian Cosby-Kelly 15

sadly, this is quite typical of the older generations. theres an old saying that women came up with to make themselves feel better : don't care where he is at lunch, so long as he's home by dinner. a man cheating was just "standard" back in the day. more did than didn't. it's really quite nasty.

jfigley 5

Yea, and thats really ****** up. If you can't keep with with the woman you put the ring on, don't waste her time and **** around....

Get a young guy friend to pretend to be grandma's new bf lol.