By Anonymous - 21/04/2009 22:04 - United States

Today, due to the cold, windy weather, I decided to wear my brand-new cute (and expensive) jacket that has a faux-fur hood. As I walked down the street, numerous PETA members attacked me with red liquid. I'm a Vegan and an animal-rights activist. FML
I agree, your life sucks 67 945
You deserved it 25 023

Same thing different taste

Top comments

KeithHarris 0

Serves you right for wearing fake animals. Next time wear the real thing so you'll at least deserve getting pelted with fake animal blood. :-D PETA members are dicks.

whats with the red liquids lately? well, PETA is a bit extreme, but they shouldn't be going around bombarding people with red liquids!


Ponybones 0

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If some activist wud poor red liquid over me I wud beat em up so badly.. omg.. and make em pay for ruining my jacket

they're not pretending to support it? if they like how it looks and it's not real who gives a ****.

exactly, plus PETA takes animal rights to the point that it's like WTF

fmlwinnn 0

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peta is awesome dude!!!! wait PETA means people eating tasty animals right?

why would they try and ruin your jacket.. then youll just buy another one and kill another animal..

IM with # 1 on this. While reading it i was. Thinking wouldn't a vegan not wear fur at all, fake or not. To me wearing the fake fur. Means u like how it looks. So in theory u like how dead animals look on u.just my opinion

Shut the **** up PETA sucks cause it gives all vegans and vegetarians a bad name and you sound like one of those assholes.

#450, Your "expensive" and my expensive are two very different things.

kmarie22_613e 25

Expensive means different things to different people. Maybe $40 is expensive in this case.

Ding ding ding. Uh oh class, retard alert.

whats with the red liquids lately? well, PETA is a bit extreme, but they shouldn't be going around bombarding people with red liquids!

whats with the red liquids lately? well, PETA is a bit extreme, but they shouldn't be going around bombarding people with red liquids!

dioxyde420 0

people that think animals are more important than people

brasilbabe 0

people for the ethical treatment of animals

warriorcatluvr 0

PETA is a whole bunch of Hippocrates!!!!!!! hate them. go ASPCA.

Chocolate_Chunk 2
whoisthisgirl 4

they don't necessarily think the animals are better.. just a lot of animals shouldn't be treated like shit, tested on.. yada yada and the ASPCA is alright. though I feel like they humanly euthanize a lot more animals than the should. they put 181 4 month old and up to 7 year old pit bulls to sleep. they didn't even give them a second chance... the puppies definitely deserved some help..

Eggers 2

414: its spelled "Hypocrites". yawn.

hey I don't like PETA rather soooo.... People Eating Tasty Animals!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yeah I no it's awesome

Are you kidding you think PETA is bad... Ever heard of ALF (no not a random reference)?

according to 461, people eating tasty animals

Oh... All the things I would like to say, but I would waste so much space... All I can say is, don't overreact to something you have no clue about. Hypocracy.

I do know how to spell, so...*hypocrisy

KeithHarris 0

Serves you right for wearing fake animals. Next time wear the real thing so you'll at least deserve getting pelted with fake animal blood. :-D PETA members are dicks.

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aFro_fml 0

Why do vegetarians eat Boca Burgers?? Because it's tasty, and it's the easiest vegetarian item to find on most menus. Why would an animal rights activist wear faux fur? Because it's warm, it looks good, and has the benefit of allowing peace of mind since you know it's fake. It only undermines your cause if you're a simple minded extremist, content to spill fake blood first and ask questions never.

vampirerebel 0

I am a vegetarian animal rights activist who wears fake fur because it is soft. It's 100% synthetic, and looks nice, why should it bother me? I own synthetic leather shoes, too, because, again, it's not hurting anyone, and I like the way it looks. I'm opposed to the killing of innocent animals for fashion, not fashion itself. It's not hypocritical at all. If vegetarians had to stay away from anything that that was designed to resemble animals they would starve. Get over it

This is the most ridiculous comment I have ever read. What right does anyone have to throw red liquid all over her? Whether she was wearing real fur or not, no one has the right to come ruin her clothing. They didn't need to know. They should have left her alone, and honestly I think PETA members that do that should be arrested for assault.

RusselFaraday 0

she didn't hurt an animal. she just like the look and feel of fur. if I hated what was used to produce sweet tea, I still like the taste of sweet tea, I just don't like the methods used to produce it. I find an alternative. that's what she did and some dickheads mess up her coat. how hard can it be to be a ********? you just have to make sure that ur heads a dick and it's attached to ur neck

pandora_spocks 0

Are you serious??? People deserve to be attacked because of what they choose to wear?? That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard. People have a right to their belief system and morals, but they don't have the right to force it on other people.

Vegetarians eat faux meat. People who don't believe in industrial farming buy (as an alternative) small-scsle agricultured meat. And animal rights activists can wear faux fur. And OP, you should have those people prosecuted.

unomo 0

What's it like being a virgin at your age?

A lot of faux-fur is actually real fur. They use fur because it's cheaper. Specifically, dog fur from China.

tb15 0

Faux fur is actually a lot cheaper than real fur

RusselFaraday 0

you do realize that faux means fake

Herbz 0

if you can figure out who did it, take them to small claims court and get your money

piderman13 0

Another red liquid FML...someone wants attention apparently and can't be creative with it?

PETA is full of bs, there's actually a great video about it - and you can probably press not only civil charges but criminal too, the whole re liquid thing may count as assault depending on the circumstances.