The price of love

By broke - 05/05/2009 04:07 - United States

Today, I got home from visiting my long-distance girlfriend. I spent $366 to get a plane ticket to visit her for the week. The day after I arrived there, she broke up with me and I had to buy a ticket for an earlier flight home. With fees and penalties, I paid around $550 to be broken up with. FML
I agree, your life sucks 66 711
You deserved it 5 223

Same thing different taste

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What kind of people click on YDI foor thinsg like this???


What kind of people click on YDI foor thinsg like this???

aoife123 0

either trolls who click YDI on everything on this site, or people that accidentally clicked YDI! I agree with you though, that's awful :( poor OP!

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googlefrewdnoob 0

You madam are an idiot, he bought the ticket and the only thing that came of the trip was him learning that he had been dumped, therefore he practically paid to be dumped, although not technically he did in the spirit of the situation.

Blue_Coconuts 7

**** that dude, you should have gotten a cheap motel six for the time, and just hit the town bringing home random ass... There's a lot of girls out there who are angry at daddy.

rule #1: long distance relationships will never work out. Proximity is one of the major facets of being in a successful relationship.

bumblebee41 0

That's not true. In most cases yes a lot of them do not work out but there are cases where they do. It depends really

#4. I started dating my boyfriend right after high school. I moved away for college.... 6 years later and he's now my husband. So YES, they do work out!!

CousinSkeeter 0

Wow... this shows that long-distance relationships are risky. Just don't go for 'em, they almost never work out. Plus, you are paying much more money for stupid shit like phone calls, gas, and plane tickets.

#1 people will click YDI no matter WHAT. It's weird but people just do. That sucks though dude, sorry to hear. :-

#4: LDRs do work. I lived in WI and my husband is from Tokyo. We were away for 8 months total, and got married and are really happy. So yes, they do work, if you work at it and keep in touch and are actually COMMITTED to the relationship as opposed to letting your eye wander and experience communication gaps that last longer than every other day... though at least e-mailing every day is best, if not a phone call. Skype is super cheap to call phones around the country and internationally from the compy or lappy. And as for the OP: At least she dumped you in person rather than through an e-mail or something pussy like that. Be grateful she respected you enough for that!

**** she couldve called we all know the bitch aint gonna pay a dime on what he paid for the plane hes got no money to drink his sorrow away....****

DeadxManxWalking 27

sorry but my ex was all dist doesnt matter but nearing Christmas and our anniv. she finally cracked......

I think I would rather have the text or email breakup.....

That's what happens when you date online.

that's what happens when NO ONE CARES ABOUT YOUR ABS ON FML douche

ohhhhshizzz 0

#9: they weren't dating online, it's a long distance relationship. BIG DIFF. idiot.