By fuckered519 - 06/12/2014 19:53 - United States - Du Quoin

Today, being useless at thinking of gifts, I asked my boyfriend what he wants for Christmas. I said it could be anything that I could afford. He looked me in the eye and said very seriously: "Anal." FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 226
You deserved it 12 603

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Honestly I don't see the great thing about anal. In my opinion, that's an exit only hole. And if you do it wrong or too hard, you can seriously mess shit up down there. It seems very painful and very uncomfortable to shove anything up there to begin with. And if the person needed to shit, you would get that said shit on your dick. That's just nasty. Anyways, It's up to you OP, and if you do decide to do that, then good for you, and good luck.

If you have to shit you should do so before. If you don't the last bit of your colon is normally empty and clean. Anal can be pleasureable in the receiving side if you follow some rules, especially the first few times. 1) Don't go in dry. No lube is not an option. 2) Know: at the entrance there are two ring muscles in a row, about two fingers apart, that the guy neesds to pass carefully. The outer one can be opened consiously, just press slightly as if you want to poop, it should open up. The second one you can't open that way. The guy has to go in until he reaches that muscle, apply very gentle pressure but shouldn't move at all until he feels that muscle relax and open. If he moves in without waiting it will hurt. If done correctly it won't hurt at all.

Tsukiyomi 16

Sounds like a pain in the ass

hun you cant ask your boyfriend want he wants and not expect that lol

sabriel19 8

tell him "alright. you get the lube, i'll get the strap-on"

Women like you all are why I have a very lucrative career as an escort. Thank you :-)

red82991 5

Really? Because I thought it was daddy issues.

Good for you #62. You probably make more money than most. people.

awesome, seems u don't have to spend a penny.. hahaha, jk

Miss_Batgirl17 12

That sure is a pain in the butt.