By ehwat - 26/11/2009 05:31 - United States

Today, I told my boyfriend that since I lost my job I can't afford a Christmas present for him, or anyone. He said trying anal would be fine. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 887
You deserved it 12 786

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

Reiterate that you have no money. You just can't afford to hire a guy to pack his fudge.


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Trevv 0

@1 at least you tried it. OP seems unwilling. Remember kids, don't knock it till you've tried it! Of course, don't do anything sexual until you're legally old enough....

you don't know what you're missing out on! go slow, use lube, make sure he's gentle till you're comfortable. if you aren't, don't do it again. simple

tell him for your present he has to lick your ass hole. also awesome, and great way to loosen it up for dick :)

mrskristindavis 0
bmxx 0

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maria101 0

haha dont do it or u'll shit improperly for the rest of ur life=p

perdix 29

Reiterate that you have no money. You just can't afford to hire a guy to pack his fudge.

life_goes_onnn 0

LOL 1st time 5th comment wheee ;)

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Just do it. As long as you lube up first you'll be fine.

Reality_bites 14

Lovely boyfriend you have there, nothing like pressuring you to do something that he obviously thinks you wont be into. .

Why would he think she wouldn't be into it? Also, it's Christmas, they're dating, if she can't afford a present it was just going to end in a ******* anyway.

Thabb 0

YDI for not understanding that everyone aren't ******* millionaires.

what's the big deal? it feels great. lots of lube and go slow.

We used lots of lube and went slow and it still hurt to much. And I always end up bleeding for a week every time I go #2.