The best method!

By Anonymous - 04/01/2020 18:00

Today, while discussing having sex for the first time with my boyfriend, I asked what method of birth control we should use. He replied, "Anal." FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 970
You deserved it 948

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Susan Yee 9

Tell him, that you will give him anal first.

Tell him that what he gets to do to you, you get to do to him.


Remind him you could still get pregnant if he perforates the barrier between rectum and ******! And that anal does not prevent STIs.

Yeah, because that is something that regularly happens...

Please tell us where you found such a fake information.

rotflqtms_ 21

Tell him you'd rather use abstinence if that's the case.

Susan Yee 9

Tell him, that you will give him anal first.

bloopaloop 27

Tell him that’s where poop comes out.

Tell him that what he gets to do to you, you get to do to him.

bobsanction 18
Mungolikecandy 19

So you get a massive strap on and ask him to bend over.

I don't see the problem, some women prefer it. Also you avoid the stress of wondering if your birth control was effective or not.

He took his shot, regardless of the outcome, and he didn't go ahead and do it without your permission, which makes him better than quite a few other people who have been mentioned on this site.