
By Superdad - 22/06/2022 06:00

Today, I told my daughter her mom was busy fighting aliens, so I wouldn’t have to tell her that her mom is just a shitty, self-absorbed bitch, who doesn’t deserve kids. FML
I agree, your life sucks 809
You deserved it 1 093

Same thing different taste

Top comments

AzraelAngelus 15

You really shouldn’t have lied to her because she’s going to idolize her mom as a hero now

You shouldn’t lie to your kid like that. They’re usually smart enough to know the truth, and even if they’re not, you’re setting them up for disappointment later when the truth comes out. And when it does inevitably come out they’ll be upset at you too for lying to them.


AzraelAngelus 15

You really shouldn’t have lied to her because she’s going to idolize her mom as a hero now

Is she one of those racist self-appointed border patrol vigilantes? To hell with her!

tiptoppc 19

Pretty sure they are all a spitting image of Bud Buckwald with the same vacuum for brains. Oh fartsocks!

You shouldn’t lie to your kid like that. They’re usually smart enough to know the truth, and even if they’re not, you’re setting them up for disappointment later when the truth comes out. And when it does inevitably come out they’ll be upset at you too for lying to them.

That's probably a good way to deal with it. She'll get old enough to deal with the truth later; for now she gets an answer that doesn't upset her. Good job letting her enjoy being a kid.