By whatashame - 01/04/2009 05:15 - United States

Today, my dad was on the couch and I sat down next to him. As I was reading a text message, I saw my dad's fat stomach sticking out so I patted it. After the first two pats, I realized I was patting in the wrong place. I patted the family jewels. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 435
You deserved it 80 247

Same thing different taste

Top comments

YDI for even wanting to pat the belly in the first place... that's just... disturbing... =

So the jewels were sticking out where you were patting or you just didn't bother looking and decided to pat him in that general area? YDI


So the jewels were sticking out where you were patting or you just didn't bother looking and decided to pat him in that general area? YDI

hwkfan1 10

the apple never falls far from the tree lolz

MiGman 5

162 - It does not make you forth by commenting on the first comment simply to get your comment to the top.. you're still one hundred sixty second. Nice try.

turkishjew 0

and now you're scared for life

YDI for even wanting to pat the belly in the first place... that's just... disturbing... =

btnhdude 0

I'll tell you what's hard... my fists, hitting your face.

You're completely creepy for doing that in the first place. YDI completely. Who pats their father's bare stomach?

btnhdude 0

awesome daughters do, you boring hamster. the balls were an accident though

How the hell can you not notice the difference?

Um, go back to the part where you pat your father's fat... That's... weird...

blb1989 0

Today, I rewarded my father for having a huge bulge by smacking his junk around a bit. FML