Oh hey how are you?

By Shelly - 13/06/2011 02:50 - United States

Today, my boyfriend and I pulled over to have sex in his mother's car. It was going great until I leaned back onto the horn, waking up our whole neighborhood. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 077
You deserved it 46 216

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Rebecca Black sends her sincerest apologies for having occupied the back seat at the time.


wanna do it in my 8' bed that doesn't have to be made. more room.

JasonLV 0

yo hit me up on Xbox live my GT is TUG iBeAsTLY o

XxbrokeNCYDExX 6

YDI for having sex in her car! thats gross

it's actually fun the thrill of getting caught makes it hot ;)

There's such a thrill in getting caught at night in a soundproof vehicle. Not.

THE FRONT SEAT DRIVER. hawtttttttttnessss

it's called going to the back seat.. it's a little more spacious.

jadejazmyn 5

Wow YDI! Don't do it n a car until it's ur car you own! And next time passenger seat or back seat! And why n ur own neighborhood. You two are not all that smart at all!

jadejazmyn 5

Lots do it on the drivers side lol. I've done it in the back seat, passenger, drivers seat a lot of times and the hood of my car! Those were the days lol!