By suzanneallen - 11/09/2009 04:23 - United States

Today, my boyfriend and I were fooling around in his car when things got hot and heavy and we decided to climb in the back. After we finished we started to put our clothes back just as a someone's brights flooded into the car. It was a cop, and he had been there the entire time. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 127
You deserved it 40 965

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Okie7123 0

YDI. Should know better than to fool around in a car...bound to get caught some time...unless that risk turns you on...then by all means...

Someone's been naughty.... Did he handcuff and punish you two with his naughty stick? ;D


Intellectualist 0

Haha. YDI, no dogging, it's rude. GO TO BED!

Ox_Baker 0

Oh, shit. You're going to have to register as a sex offender now. You'll never be able to get a job in your life.

Intellectualist 0

Me? I said no dogging :'( Oh FML. No job for me :(

Okie7123 0

YDI. Should know better than to fool around in a car...bound to get caught some time...unless that risk turns you on...then by all means...

fmlfmlfml15 0

lol he was being considerate because he let you finish, so not an FML (just kidding ;))

badluckalex 23

I dont think they deserved it at all. the cop sounds like a ******* creep...

hahaha, use the bed next time. Softer and more comfortable.

Someone's been naughty.... Did he handcuff and punish you two with his naughty stick? ;D

whyowhy26 3

Free **** for him, I hope he didnt fine you. Oh and YDI for being a paedophile.

Intellectualist 0

Douchebag. *hands a carrot to the troll*

whyowhy26 3

*munches on the carrot* whats up, doc?

whyowhy26 3

Wrong answer. You are now sentenced to AZKABANNN

Intellectualist 0

Please dont bring Harry Potter here too. Go to MLIA, I hear they like that sort of thing there.

whyowhy26 3

whoa, what an unfriendly bunch of *****

Intellectualist 0

Leave your staff out of ME. It hurts.

I can't help where the help goes on their own time, I can only cut their pay accordingly.

Intellectualist 0

no darling, your 'staff'. ROFL That is OUTRAGEOUS!

I got it, darling dumplin'. I can't always control what magic comes out of my stick sometimes. You know how wood can be.

Everything. It's all you Alan, you devious wizard.

I don't know about you, but they-who-must-not-be-named make me grumpy.

imthatguythatdid 0

Ewww creepy peeping tom cop *shudder* Did he arrest you or ask to watch some more?

i'm waiting for all the up tight people to find this and be like, "arrr, ye should'nt be engaging in sexual intercourse" and they'll assume they're young because they're in a car instead of in some comfy bed. cop was happy but, he got a free show! *shudders*

Are you kidding? Pirates are the uptightiest uptights that ever uptighted an uptight in the uptight.

I actually clicked this FML to see all those uptight people. "OMG **** U SHOULDNT BE BONIN IN A CAR EWEWEWEWWW SEX"

Jincos 0

I'm asking how can't you see him as you're crawling into the back? Blind ******. YDi

Intellectualist 0

YDI for being a promiscuous sausage. THERE, I said it.

KayleeFrye 39

Yeah, because anyone who enjoys sex is a ****. As long as both people are consenting, there is nothing wrong with having sex. I don't know if you got the memo, but the Victorian Era is over. Stop being so judgmental!

Intellectualist 0

Feed the troll :) (FYI, I was being sarcastic, someone was bound to say it at some point...) Everyone should be having sex, it's a great way to keep in shape.

Intellectualist 0

Yes. Sausages are also a great way to keep in shape.

Intellectualist 0

Sausages are FOUL. Eww. Fried egg and bacon please :)

Don't the British call sausages "bangers?" How appropriate for this FML!

Intellectualist 0

No. I have never called sausages bangers at any point in my life. This is a stereotype. much like the fact that we eat crumpets and drink tea at 4 in the afternoon. We don't, I wish we did though, that would be cool.

You mean "Bangers and Mash" is an urban legend we foolish Yanks believe?

Intellectualist 0

I'm afraid nobody's called it since the 50's. Sorry to dissappoint you. :(

I call them "bangers and mash" and I am British.

Intellectualist 0

werey ou born in the 50's? my nan still calls them bangers and mash...

Laura, sex is also good for your immune system. You don't want to get TEH BLACK PLAGUE do you? Get over here.

Intellectualist 0

Lucky I get it on tap then isn't it. NO PLAGUE FOR ME!...

Damn you, lauralatch. I wish sex came out of MY faucets.

Intellectualist 0

see. I AM too awesome miss Intoxicunt. Alan, I'm only 18, I have fairly young parents too, so my nan is the only one ive ever heard call them bangers. Hahaha

Intellectualist 0

Well stop going near me in the morning. I may file a harrassment suit.