Oh hey how are you?

By Shelly - 13/06/2011 02:50 - United States

Today, my boyfriend and I pulled over to have sex in his mother's car. It was going great until I leaned back onto the horn, waking up our whole neighborhood. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 077
You deserved it 46 216

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Rebecca Black sends her sincerest apologies for having occupied the back seat at the time.


the only thing better than public sex is loud public sex

This is why you only do it in the back seat. Or, get a van or a truck with a cap. Or, you know, control your hormones until you guys have the house to yourselves or something. : P

sitting in the front sit, kicking in the back seat...


"Sitting in the front seat, ******* in the backseat" somehow seems more appropriate.

I guess you honked on it a little too hard?

jellybelliez 0

hope u had tinted windows (:

Nothing like screaming "look at me". Mom & Dad must be proud!

quite the sticky situation you got yourselves into

ragingox 0