By Anonymous - 25/01/2017 04:00

Today, my roommates gathered together to tell me that they all took turns spitting in my drinks in the fridge, all because I told on them for smoking pot in the apartment. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 265
You deserved it 3 370

Same thing different taste

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They sound like great EX roommates! For real, though. I'm assuming you asked them to stop before telling on them. B/c if that's the case, shame on them for choosing not to be respectful. If not, maybe I can see why they retaliated so harshly...

Well, where are they supposed to smoke? But contaminating your shit with biohazards is definitely uncalled for and no one deserves.


Well, where are they supposed to smoke? But contaminating your shit with biohazards is definitely uncalled for and no one deserves.

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I'm assuming weed is illegal there, so the roommates deserved it i guess...

Even if weed is legal there, I'm assuming smoking of any kind is a no no.

And what if OP did tell them, and they still continued to smoke in the apartment?

They sound like great EX roommates! For real, though. I'm assuming you asked them to stop before telling on them. B/c if that's the case, shame on them for choosing not to be respectful. If not, maybe I can see why they retaliated so harshly...

You're the one non-smoker living with smokers though . . . I don't know enough about this situation to even understand what's really going on. Hopefully you just told their families and not the landlord or the police. Everyone got F'ed in this one.

faeriefiend 8

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Obviously, they don't deserve it because apparently smoking pot wasn't allowed in their apartment. So they shouldn't have been doing it. Those of you saying OP deserved it need to get the stick out of your ass and learn that there are rules and you can't do whatever you want.

well, generally, rules are followed by people with sticks up their asses, if i am not mistaken. maybe op needs to get the stick out of theirs? im sure op knew what they were getting into, because as a person who used to smoke a lot of pot i know how much stoners like to let people know that they are stoners, my friends seemed to get off on flaunting their stoned-ness. sure spitting in their drink was immature (not to mention ******* gross), but so is tattling on your roommates, to a lesser degree, obviously. both op and the roommates are jerks and i dont think i would like any of them.

dahgreyman 0

bet your like 10 years old. haha

alternative-facts 6

Maybe you should find roommates who don't smoke pot? FYL for the drinks part, but YDI for choosing to live with people who smoke... I'd be pissed too if I were them