Not funny, son

By Embarassed - 15/03/2011 19:29 - United States

Today, while at a school anti-drugs assembly, the speaker asked everyone to stand up if they knew someone who had died of an overdose. As I stood up, my friend hit me in the side, making me laugh. I stood frozen under accusing glares while the speaker bitched me out for a good 5 minutes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 435
You deserved it 12 758

Same thing different taste

Top comments

a bit of a fail there, also your friend's an ass.

I think your friend is the one who overdosed


sirin or whatever you are. why did I get banned for a week! and the grammar in the email I got was ace.

why would you laugh after getting hit in the head?

you should have borrowed your friends balls and said what happened :P

persianjr1 7

or get bitched out by public speakers.

Bofopio 0

school during Spring Break? k bye

clashatdemonhead 3

you are an idiot. first of all, not all schools have the same spring break time. second, the FML may have taken a few days or so to be moderated.

clashatdemonhead 3

dude you deserve it for having the kind of friends that you do.

clashatdemonhead 3

you're an idiot. FMLs don't always get moderated as soon as they're posted. also, not all schools have spring break at the same time. k bye

clashatdemonhead 3

you're an idiot. FMLs don't always get moderated as soon as they're posted. also, not all schools have spring break at the same time. k bye i meant that for this comment, didn't mean to post twice