By Anonymous - 01/11/2014 15:28 - Canada - Sooke

Today, I had to show up at an anti-drugs lecture with full-blown pink eye. It's from an ongoing bacterial infection, but the speaker said he'd heard that excuse a hundred times before, and shamed me in front of everyone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 529
You deserved it 3 022

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think I'd rather you be high then have pink eye around me. Really sucks though, you should have taken the opportunity to rub the bacterium on him . My thing though is why did you show up with a contagious infection?


I think I'd rather you be high then have pink eye around me. Really sucks though, you should have taken the opportunity to rub the bacterium on him . My thing though is why did you show up with a contagious infection?

Probably didn't want to lose their job or face punishment for skipping it :/

#18 but if he explained the pink eye situation, I think OP's boss would understand! (If OP was going to her/his job/assignment)

flowerpowergirl 10

OP never said it was contagious..

Pink eye is a contagious infection so OP didn't really need to remind us

#52 To be fair, I think the only way it can spread is if she rubs her eyes and doesn't wash her hands afterwards. I could be wrong though. Also, if only has it in one eye then she shouldn't rub the other eye without washing her hands afterwards because it will spread to the other eye. I had Pink eye a couple times when I was younger and that's what my parents told me. I think she's also supposed to be taking an antibiotic or eye drops.

You could always..... touch her with your germy pink eye fingers.

ChristianH39 30

I'd say that speaker deserves pink eye just to feel like an idiot when they realize OP was telling the truth.

thattheatregirl 1

He had no right to call you out like that! Sorry OP! :(

alex_the_tiger 14

Stand up for yourself or report him, that's pretty immature and ridiculous.

Gaernem 17

Whip it out and take your drug test right then and there. Nothing wrong with a little nudity.

MzZombicidal 36

Yes, because randomly "whipping" her ****** out would totally convince him OP isn't on drugs!

I would have shamed him for assuming the worst of people and asked him if he even har any friends because of his behavior

Sathane 21

is pink eye not normally accompanied by a stickiness or is that not in all cases? whenever I have eye infections, they are crusty and sticky and awful. hope your eye clears up soon and that person had no right to make such a strong assumption, just because it's an overused excuse doesn't mean it's not true in some cases.

Bacterial and viral pink eye (conjunctivitis) are different. Greenish mucous ooze is a sign of bacterial. They both accompany a pinkish hue. Either way it's no fun for anyone involved. Certain STIs can cause this or fecal matter and allergens , chlorine,dirt , etc