RIP Beard

By captain patch beard - 03/10/2019 18:01

Today, I met a girl at a bar, we had a few drinks and really hit it off. We headed back to my place to get a little action. As she was riding me, she got rougher and rougher until she reached down and yanked a patch of hair right out of my beard. I yelped in pain and didn’t even finish. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 108
You deserved it 437

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you're going to participate in rough sex, you should always have a "safe word." Mine is, "Oh, shit, my wife is here!" Works like bear spray! Warning: Will not work on wives.

mcsmee 7

The true measure of success isn't whether you got off. It's whether you got her off.


mcsmee 7

The true measure of success isn't whether you got off. It's whether you got her off.

not really. both people have to enjoy it for it to actually be a success

If you're going to participate in rough sex, you should always have a "safe word." Mine is, "Oh, shit, my wife is here!" Works like bear spray! Warning: Will not work on wives.

If it were me, she would have gone sailing across that room and out the door with her clothes following closely after. No man deserves that,

That sounds hot. Although I would have preferred her to rip a handful of hair from my pubes.

Drai Gray 8

should of upped the ante, do something really rough that forces you into a position of control, either she's going to get into it, sex gets better & she won't have the ability to do something so brutal again, or she ain't going to like it & though sex may end immediately you made your point atleast