By Anonymous - 16/08/2010 05:14 - United States

Today, for my mom's birthday, we went camping. At night, my mom and her boyfriend decided to have "Birthday Sex" because they thought everyone was asleep. Trying to not make it awkward for me and my friend that I brought along, I kept still. Soon, I heard my friend going to town on herself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 636
You deserved it 5 061

Same thing different taste


you seem to be the odd one out in that situation.

bbobe900000 0

Then join in! Hahahahahahahahaha

So, why didn't you help her out and go down on her to give her what she needs, then maybe she will drop down on you??? could of been fun for you..

babygirl316 0

While that WOULD be quite awkward, it's only natural to be turned on by the sound of people having sex.

darksidehascooki_fml 0

mom having sex 20 feet away.....ew your best friend getting off on it......I'm sorry your humiliation and silence.....priceless

moxiewarrior 0