Come together, right now

By Anonymous - 15/04/2023 13:00 - Canada - Stratford

Today, it's my birthday, and I had one to many and my best friend and my boyfriend had to take me home. We went back to my apartment and all squeezed together in my bed. During the night I got sick and spent the rest of the night on the bathroom floor. Later I found out that they'd fucked in my bed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 435
You deserved it 373

Same thing different taste

Top comments

While it seems that you have a binge-drinking problem and your bf cheats with your bff in yfb (your ******* bed), the most serious issue here is: Your grammar. "One TOO many", not "to." I'll bet your friend knows to-too-two, and that's why your boyfriend banged her.

You do realise that if any SO of yours ever sees that comment, you've given them carte blanche to cheat on you if you ever get too drunk, right?


While it seems that you have a binge-drinking problem and your bf cheats with your bff in yfb (your ******* bed), the most serious issue here is: Your grammar. "One TOO many", not "to." I'll bet your friend knows to-too-two, and that's why your boyfriend banged her.

YDI for drinking too much. That's probably what caused them to hook up - they bonded over how they had to take care of you because you couldn't drink responsibly.

You do realise that if any SO of yours ever sees that comment, you've given them carte blanche to cheat on you if you ever get too drunk, right?