By Noname - 14/03/2009 05:08 - United States

Today, I came back from a hike to see my trailer rocking, as well as some strange but obvious noises coming from it. I went camping alone. Two strangers were in my camper having sex. FML
I agree, your life sucks 146 877
You deserved it 11 788

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you should charge them for using your camper.

Oooh, nasty. :P Next time lock it up when you leave. Ooooooor leave a camcorder running; I'm sure the viewers at Youporn would love your candid footage! Revenge is a dish best served...nekkid? :P :D


you should charge them for using your camper.

forget charging for the camper! charge them for not letting you in!

And if the door is unlocked, thats an invitation.

sheagstaz 0

Join them and show me a video

lolajelly 0

why would you go camping alone?

yeah that would be kind of creepy... but I guess it depends on where your camping

Oooh, nasty. :P Next time lock it up when you leave. Ooooooor leave a camcorder running; I'm sure the viewers at Youporn would love your candid footage! Revenge is a dish best served...nekkid? :P :D

Haha, what #1 said, you should charge them for using it

HA haha ha. What a cheeky pair! Sucks for you, but its pretty funny.

nat66623 0

I would have called the police or made them pay me or something LOL

That's really creepy. But yeah it makes me feel kind of sad that people apparently go camping alone

Camping alone sucks, but I can understand it. Sometimes I just want to be alone. Hell, this year for my birthday, I'm planning to be alone for at least a week just to get some peace and quiet!! As for the strangers in your camper, I hope you had the sense to call the police or park rangers or something.