By Tatteredgirl - 11/08/2016 13:31 - United States - Indianapolis
Tatteredgirl tells us more.
OP here. I told my managers after two weeks that the trainee just was not getting it. They told me to give him time to pick it up. Tell higher ups every other day that trainee is not working out and finally told them I would not be helping him anymore. He is sinking fast. Don't think he will be around much longer. I have trained a number of people for this position and they all have had it figured out within a couple of days. I don't think it's my training.
Top comments
What's your dismissal policy like?
It's awfully nice of you to keep your coworker afloat, but perhaps you should seek assistance from your immediate supervisor. After two months, either something is really not clicking with this guy, or your coworker just doesn't care to do his job. You shouldn't have to pick up that much slack. Good luck, OP!
Unless this position is brain surgeon, just fire them.
You should definitely fire an incompetent brain surgeon!
Yikes... Maybe the boss can do something about it?
I don't understand how someone can work for a company for two months and still not know how to do their job? Something isn't right about that. Talk to your supervisor. You don't get paid for two jobs, stop stressing yourself.
Not sure if FYL or YDI. You *are* the one training him after all. Maybe the problem is that you keep doing his job, and thus depriving him off opportunities to learn. Sink or swim, baby.
He has mastered one skill: how to get you to do his work for him.
Either you are a bad teacher or he is a bad learner/freeloader
Oh that sounds familiar. That's been my life for the last THREE YEARS. We can't keep a newbie longer than a couple of months because they're all ******* idiots. I know it's not my teaching, my manager says I'm a great trainer. We just keep getting morons.
Your manager is not telling you the truth
If the only reason you believe it's not you is that your manager says so... Then it's probably you.

I don't understand how someone can work for a company for two months and still not know how to do their job? Something isn't right about that. Talk to your supervisor. You don't get paid for two jobs, stop stressing yourself.
What's your dismissal policy like?